Serazul Haque




Serazul Haque




Who Am I?

I'm a passionate entrepreneur dedicated to solving problems and driving positive change. I founded a Digital Business Group named and now serve as the Founder and Chairman of Thank you for visiting my personal website.

  • Founded Companies: 6
  • Years of experience: 15
  • Team Members: 40+
  • Countries Covered: 24
  • Companies Invested in 3
Proferssional Summery

I am a seasoned entrepreneur, mentor, and early-stage investor deeply involved with the startup ecosystem. and innovator with a rich history spanning over 15 years in the realm of business leadership. My expertise encompasses every facet of business operations, from finance to management and formation. I pride myself on being a visionary product developer, underpinned by an extensive knowledge of analytics and research. Beyond my technical skills, I consider myself a fervent communicator and motivator, possessing the unique ability to identify potential and inspire others to reach their pinnacle. My approach to teamwork is collaborative; I harness and leverage the unique strengths of each team member to achieve our collective organizational goals. Above all, I am a relentless optimist. To me, there's no such thing as failure – only feedback.

Strategic Visionary

Serazul's deep knowledge in analytics and research allows him to foresee industry trends and market shifts, positioning businesses at the forefront of innovation.

Business Leadership

With over 15 years of experience, he has a holistic understanding of business operations, finance, management, and formation, ensuring sustainable growth and stability.

Motivational Leadership

An innate communicator and motivator, Serazul has the rare ability to identify potential in individuals and inspire them to achieve beyond their perceived limits.

Resilient Optimism

His relentless belief that every setback is a form of feedback showcases his optimistic approach, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and learning.

My Personal Origin Story

My first steps in the business world were far from triumphant. I encountered obstacles, just as countless others do. However, where many saw a dead-end, I saw lessons to be learned. Failures, though harsh at times, never dictated my worth or potential. I took those lessons, made the necessary changes, and gave it another shot. That resilience was the cornerstone of my inaugural major venture, laying the foundation for all my endeavors that followed.

I never sat in a business school classroom, nor do I hold claims to being a word-weaving copywriter or a marketing prodigy. But where formal titles fail, my heart speaks volumes. At my core, I believe that true success in business is not just about profit margins; it's about nurturing, serving, and making a difference in others' lives. It's about kindling that spirit of service and then crafting a symphony of a team and systems to elevate that purpose.

Luxury cars, grandiose estates, or secluded islands? Those aren't the treasures I seek. My true wealth lies in the ripples of inspiration I create, the wisdom I glean and share, and the genuine moments of joy I bring to those around me. In the mosaic of life, my mission is to paint each tile with purpose, love, and boundless hope.

Do not despair of the mercy of Allah.
Al-Quran 39:53
Hobbies and Interests

Driven by a passion for business and personal growth, I regularly grace stages at leadership conferences, inspiring and networking with like-minded entrepreneurs.

My mornings are marked by the energy of running and the calm of Yoga and Meditation, grounding me for the day ahead. Evenings often find me immersed in joyful indoor games with my children, cherishing life's simple pleasures.

Travel is more than a hobby; it's a soulful journey. Each trip, from bustling cities to serene villages, adds a meaningful chapter to my life's story.

Digitya Venture

The Chairman of Digitya Venture, Serazul Haque, is entrusted with the overarching responsibility of guiding the company's strategic vision, ensuring robust financial health, and fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration

Digitya Ventures stands as a beacon of digital innovation in the contemporary business landscape. Operating from Bangladesh, we have expanded our global footprint, marking a distinct presence across the globe. With our prowess in identifying digital potential, we specialize in nurturing, building, and developing internet and technology ventures that transform the way we interact with the digital sphere.

Key Responsibilities:

Strategic Leadership:

  • Shape and guide the company’s long-term strategy, ensuring alignment with stakeholder objectives and market dynamics.
  • Oversee the implementation of strategic initiatives to drive sustainable growth.
  • Foster an environment of innovation, particularly in product development.

Financial Oversight:

  • Work closely with the CFO and finance team to ensure the company maintains a strong financial position.
  • Oversee major capital expenditures, investments, and budgetary decisions.
  • Ensure transparent financial reporting to stakeholders and board members.

Team and Organizational Development:

  • Cultivate leadership within the organization, motivating and mentoring senior executives.
  • Harness the collective strengths of the team, promoting a culture of collaboration and high performance.
  • Spearhead initiatives to foster talent development, retention, and succession planning.

Stakeholder Relations:

  • Act as the primary liaison between the company and its board of directors, shareholders, and other key stakeholders.
  • Ensure transparent communication about company performance, strategic decisions, and other critical matters.
  • Foster and maintain relationships with partners, suppliers, and other industry players.

Risk Management:

  • Oversee risk assessment and mitigation strategies, ensuring that the company is poised to navigate industry challenges and capitalize on opportunities.
  • Promote a culture where setbacks are viewed as feedback, facilitating continuous learning and resilience.

Corporate Governance:

  • Ensure that the company adheres to all regulatory requirements and ethical standards.
  • Lead board meetings, fostering an environment of open dialogue and constructive feedback.
  • Collaborate with legal and compliance teams to maintain the highest standards of corporate governance.

My Company


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    • Address: Rajshahi, Bangladesh
    • Email:
    • Phone: +8801722936066
    • Skype: Swoponbd